Sunday 6 February 2011

Olly Moss - Film posters

Olly Moss' Selection of film posters really caught my eye! They are witty and are able to capture a key element of the film in an image. He does this by clearly understanding the films and focusing on a iconic moment and showing it using symbolism. 

For example the 'There will be blood' poster has a cross as part of the oil pumps mechanism. Religion is a strong theme which runs throughout the film, with the character battling with faith in themselves and what they do as a profession and how it affect others. This is apparent also apparent with the others, 'The deer hunter' poster shows a guns chambers by using six circles, with one of these circles containing another, showing the bullet. This is significant because the Russian roulette scenes are iconic and very bone chilling. This is just looking at two of them, the rest are equally as complex and clever with how they represent the films. 

Lastly I just really love the style, I am unsure if it is actually screen printed or whether they are made digitally with textures to make them look like they have been printed. Either way they are great pieces of work, and have a great visual style.

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