Wednesday 20 October 2010

Influences ...

Finding and identifying 10 things that have influenced my current practice was a harder task than I had originally imagined. I couldn’t make up my mind as to what to put down; my indecisive nature managed to get the better of me again! But after much deliberation and many long lists here they are, listed in order of importance to me. 

There are various elements that connect the examples, but the most identifiable commonality between them is through their illustrative styles. I tend to like comic book art, cartoons and a bold use of line. 

1. London - As much as I dislike it, complain and constantly bitch about it, there is no denying that living in London has played a pivotal role in shaping me into the person I am. Growing up around a large mixture of culture has allowed me to see many different aspects of life and society. 
2. Adobe Flash Professional - I admit that I don’t use this programme to its fullest potential, like making Flash movies and all manner of different Flash Apps. But I do find it very fun and easy to use. Simple vector based work, drag and drop. I have spent many an hour drawing pointless things on it, and I think this has definitely influenced the way I produce my work.

3. Kawaii art style This aspect of Japanese culture has influenced me a lot. I can’t help but draw faces on everyday objects, personifying them and giving them emotions. I like the way that any object can become something fun, bursting with life and energy. I also like the way in which the style incorporates heavy lines and bold colours. This is something that has heavily influenced me and my work for a long while.


4. Tom Gauld Tom Gauld is a comic book artist who creates very detailed and intricate drawings and illustrations, this is something that has inspired me to respond to his work and use a style similar to his time and again. I also find that his stories compliment the drawing style as they are minimalistic like his sparse backdrops.

5. Jamie Smart – Jamie smart is another comic book artist who has influenced my work a lot. I love the way that his work is bold and that he uses lots of shading to suggest shape. His comics normally involve deranged characters and insane story lines. 

6. Mecha Anime I grew up loving anime, But I am obsessed with mecha anime and giant robots! In this respect I am a complete nerd but I can't help but find the ideas and stories behind the shows awesome!

7. Samurai JackThis is a cartoon which I originally watched years ago and the style and animation have left their mark on me ever since. It is something which definitely inspired me to draw.

8. SF Masterworks – This collection of books or more specifically the 2006 collection published by Gollancz S.F. are a collection of classic science fiction books. These books were a starting point for me, and after reading these books, I did not look back. I love sci-fi books because of their ideas and the science behind the stories. This particular collection of books is my favourite, not only are they a collection of epic novels but they have amazingly stylised covers.
I definitely a person who judges a book by its cover and these really caught my attention, with their rounded corners, matt card front covers and great cover art.

9. RemedRemed is a Spanish street artist and illustrator. I found his use of shapes and patterns very inspiring throughout my A-levels. I also like the way in which he uses typography with his illustrations, giving his work added depth and meaning.

10. Lucinda Rogers - Lucinda Rogers is another person who I found heavily influential for my work and style. I also found her work to be a very influential part in the development of my style with pen and ink.

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